From Crickets to Clicks: Scroll Stopping Social Media that Gets You the Right Kind of Attention

Yes, you want loyal connections...

You dream of ideal clients and customers giving new life to your small business.

You understand the raved about perks social media can bring.

Twitter (Check)

LinkedIn (Check)

Facebook (Check)

Instagram (Check)

Your to-do list is done.


Yet, as you post daily, here's comes the...

Chirp! Chirp! 

(Not crickets again!)

Comments, follower counts, even emojis—all stuck in the mud of low double digits.

Now, let's get real.... 

You've tried your hardest, but the social media landscape isn't giving back close to what you've put in...

Rewrite your social media story.

Dive dig up treasured strategies.

The ones specialized for you.

All these are made to link up your social media with special would-be customers and clients...

Netting the clicks and DMs you truly deserve.

Truth is....

True growth- isn't a fantasy of high roller follower counts...

But a reality of a down-to-earth strategy that pulls in quality clicks for you. 

That's the right kind of social media attention. 

From the echoes of a white space to DMs busting out of your Inbox...

Get the strategy and content (updates, photos, art, copy, video, etc.) you need to rescue your brand on LinkedIn....and more. 

•From full-scale overhauls

•Walking you through step-by-step... to only jumping in if you ask for support 

Plus, the tools to meet your complex challenges and rescue your brand.

It's all one click away.  

Catch the lifeline to reclaim your time...

Catch the lifeline of grounded social media. It's your help to get your business out of the red sea.

And onto stable, dry land. Walk on. See the space where you can work less. It's no mirage.

And you'll...

Get your family movie nights back. And your time. All with your launch-ready social media solutions.

Enjoy the....

*Solid connections with current clients

*Real out-reach to would-be clients

*But most of all, true time spent with your family.

Wipe away the lame excuses as to why you’ve drifted yet again from your mental markerboard.

…And continue on straight paths doing what you love while being paid well to do it.

Here’s the deal. You don’t need to be on every platform of social media to get craved results. What you need is to be on the one platform where your ideal would-be clients show up day after day.

I’m not going to tell you running a business is easy. I know your struggles as a business owner myself. But it can be made easier with a little help. And on that dry land, take some of your independence back.

The secret to your social media is copy talking to your ideal customers from their screen

Owner of Wordsmith Sebas

I'm completely shocked by how much the quality has improved. I can feel (the copy) talking to me from the screen. Your talent and experience are definitely on point. I would love all my stuff to look and read like this in the future.  

- Sebastian Calderon, Wordsmith Sebas  


You take hours to write killer content nobody reads. Here's how you can get help to stop that...

It's about what...

*You want..a solid Linked-In, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram presence for your business. 

*But you don't have time to sort through the flash flood of information out there to do it correctly. 

*Discover what not to do quick.

*And what to do even quicker.  

Your desire...

*A secret formula to captivate your ideal audience

*Crafted-for-you social media packages

*Feedback to show you how to bait the hook, lay out the lede, and jiggle the media style....

*On-call support to move through challenging parts of your social media strategy....  

*Playbook for social media windfall ROI for your company...every time.

Your strategy...

*Marketer, Collin Lavigne shares, social media marketing is like fishing. Sales is like gutting the fish. 

*Find out how to fish, not gut your sales. 

*3:1 value. Balance your business's assets of insight and self promotion. 

*Set up over delivery of your business's secret weapon.

*Fill in where your competitors' left off.  Be there in the trench to meet your audience.

*Test. Measure the exact gap sizes for your content strategy.

*Get your content system 24/7 in that space to meet your top leads and customers.   

...Your solution

*In-depth competitive marketing study to elevate your business's growth. 

*Marketing action plans to support your brand for a lifespan....not a quarter.

*Email for your free social media marketing strategy page review. 

*Plus, get 5 often missed web copy solutions . 

*This social media marketing review is guaranteed to be of full value. 

*Or you get a video to align your copy with best industry practices. 

...With even more hints for conversion-focus (to get you the 'yes clicks'). 

Reshape the face of your social media

With your new face on social media say, hello to your time? 

*Strategic solutions designed for lasting results. 

(Contact us at for a free social media marketing strategy page review.) 


-Unlock 5 often missed web copy solutions today. 

-Your guaranteed session review. 

-Personalized emailed video review of a page of your copy. 

-Not satisfied? The second email with my conversion-focused notes to boost your copy's 'yes clicks' is on its way. 

Your face, brought to your brand, your way

Your social media needs a 3 topic platform strategy.  Designed with you, your passion, your values in mind. 

Let your brand of fun come alive. Be the face behind the fun and value. 

You can even act a little crazy....on brand of course. 

Here's a pro-green lyric parody of Van Halen's, Cabo Wabo.  When you know your niche audience, you can get very creative.

Your content = Your own 3 topic TV (Media) station experience.

Make your social media writing life ROI friendly. Get more solutions, more answers, more data in action.

Here's what top clients have to say about their social media marketing experiences with

Social media that brings your brand down-to-earth. And also busts open your DM folder with mega sales opportunities.  

Completely blown away with the gift of what this man does! media adds fire to your content that reaps results. 

Amazing. Dedicated. Extremely talented! His passion reflects in his work! 

If you need a boost for your content or help with any of your social media platforms, be sure to contact.   

Definitely delivered for me. 

- Justin Johnson


Your product/service demo out-reach finds a perfect-for-you audience

Your funnels are all about finding what you do best. And working your product and services offered around that media. 

Think smarter. Create your strategy around your strengths. Yet collaborate on those areas you're still mastering. 

That's what..Organizing Jennifer: One Day at a Time.. did with a little help.  

(Your funnel design.....all about you)

Channel Content---> Lead Generator---> Client contacts----> Lead Converter 

Imagine your top customers' videos, here. Giving you all the love...

Patrick McLaughlin and his team at Life Hack Strategists came to us looking for a way to enter the social media scene via Tic Tok. We worked together to create this (user generated) video. 

This has a real-feel. Yup. That's Patrick swimming laps in the Gulf of Mexico. His team was blown away. 

Patrick McLaughlin, Life Hack Institute LLC

Working with Jeff made my life easier...

Copywriting is his skill and he constantly seeks growth and improvement in his craft. He took my ideas and created well-articulated email sequences which conveyed my thoughts in a way that was impactful, relevant and with a nice touch of humor.  

Then, Jeff floored me with this video marketing campaign and strategy. Couldn't believe what he came up with for our TicTok launch. It felt like... there was nothing this man couldn't help me do.  

- Patrick McLaughlin


You've seen how helps you magnetize your social media marketing's reach... Click, below to get that magnetic content that gets your audience engaging.

Your Free Social Media Review

*You choose the page of the social media copy on your social media feed you want reviewed 

(Or I'll choose one at random.)

*Get your step-by-step guide to your most common copy fixes 

*Receive a quick face-to-screen Loom review for you 

*Zoom to go over your guide with free suggestions

*Transcripts of your 1:1 conversation to catch your aha moments. 

*Review of strategic solutions designed for lasting results.

(Contact us at for a free social media marketing strategy page review.)


-Unlock 5 often missed web copy solutions

-Your satisfaction guaranteed social media session review 

-Personalized emailed video review of a page of your copy

-Not satisfied? The second email with my conversion-focused notes to boost your copy's 'yes clicks' is on its way.


•Look hard at your copy-benefit connection

•Often, you're own best Mr./Ms. Fix-It 

•Get your walk through copy/strategy checklist

•Receive 1:1 emailed instructions to help fill yourself into the blanks

Call to Value

Once you set me up with contact info...

•You'll get a trained eye look at your social media for suggested improvements

•Enjoy your Loom in your own living room

•Review your video and get clear on your strengths and challenges 


•Bring your Social Media troubleshoot sheet

•Enjoy your 25 min question and answer session

•Take home 3 high points sum of conversation 

•5 Industry best practice recommendations

Why you need copywriting to boost your social media and more questions answered...

Why do I need copywriting for my social media boost?

You can D.I.Y. your social media and copy'll get D.I.Y. results. 

Still, if you want the benefits of experience from a 2 year conversion-minded copywriter.... 

D.I.Y. ain't gonna cut it. 

You want clicks that lead to sales, not follower counts. Deep down-to-earth connections. 

To do that, you need to know how to write persuasively like someone writes a letter to a friend. Only with soft social selling and psychology on your side.  Social media that's a small part of a larger system. 

But then, you've got to create post after post. And you're figuring it all out. Striving for those posts that produce high-quality content = clicks that in turn = sales. 

You haven't got time to waste. Ditch that phone full of saved slideshows and know you'll never get to....let's be honest. 

Now, you've got strategic, socially shared, helpful items mixed in with messages that speak only to your deep desired audiences.

Sit back, relax, scale it. Save more of your precious time. 

You're all set to....

• Build trust with your audience via helpful social media shared content 
• Earn their loyalty with the delivery of that content right when they need it
• Get the conversion-click focus into your social media strategy
• Create time by shipping out key social media-related projects

What are your company's beliefs and values?

Your business is the best way to help others. 

If you don't love helping others....were not the company for you. 
Above all, I help people. The ways I do that are by sharing my talent, what I know, and do. These things teach, inspire, empower, enlighten, create, and present opportunity.  But of most of all they give you treasure, your knack to tell stories that move others to act.

Since 2020, that treasure has also been teaching others how to market themselves and their businesses better using copywriting best practices (top-shelf of which is voice of customer data).  And when you help and you're good at it....the money and praise will follow. Growth is a process. 

Along the way, I've helped many clients with researched copy that has helped them magnetize leads and clicks on their buy now and hire now buttons.

What is your process?

It's 1 formula...

Your goals + Ideal client research + Competitor review + Social media strategy = Your clicks = Your funnel=Dings in your Inbox sales folder  

Eating cookies hot right off the pan. Belting out power ballads at stoplights. Click pic if we fit.

From college professor to your 'copy that gets 'yes clicks' connection'. Hi, I'm Jeff...

All the while, I was dreaming up ideas to better my classroom, the Universe had other plans. 

With 2020's COVID 19's onset, my wife's immune compromised condition (plus, my son's new diagnose of autism), all this brought my teaching career to a much needed stop.  Well....kinda. 

And my quest to make a living made me realize... hey, I was a copywriter all along. 

I'm jazzed to bring my experience writing and teaching in colleges mixed with 2 years of social media marketing strategy to a variety of new industries and projects for small business owners like you.

And conversion copywriting skills are your secret social media weapon. 

I've written ads, websites, blogposts, product reviews, job descriptions, podcast scripts, email campaigns, landing pages, social media campaigns (Phew!!!)  ...And designed lead generators.

Put my education + experience in digital media literacy to work for you. 

Enjoy your digital screen-ready copy, created with clarity, and presented in conversational context. 

That's the solid space that will get your brand the 'yes clicks' to help your brand reach your social media toward longstanding growth.